Fishing Vessels

I am frequently on the website Vessel Finder. It's probably my favorite website. While browsing, I like to check out what F/Vs (fishing vessels) are chilling in the Bering Sea. There are a lot of crabbing boats I like, but here are five of them, in no particular order.

If I were to put that list in order of which I like the most, it would look like this:

  1. F/V The Wizard
  2. F/V Summer Bay
  3. F/V Time Bandit
  4. F/V Aleutian Ballad
  5. F/V Northwestern

Here is a topical poem I wrote for my undergraduate poetry manuscript thesis. Hover over terms you might not know in order to get context.


I think her skin grew different from soaking in the Bering Sea:
it’s rusted and crusted with heavy ice
and it doesn’t much resemble mine.

she lives in a milk bowl of rotor wash
in a squall without horizons
and I am trout fishing in America.

I wonder what it is to be run by boys
to listen to boys and to be touched by boys.
grimy boys don’t get to touch me.

she’s not an icebreaker or a dredger.
she’s a crabbing boat baptized with irish whiskey
and I am growing fond of her weight.

From the forefinger of whale bones
where the ice eats the landhead,
and the sun swells just in and out of sky

where the eagle hulls a lady salmon
sucking down pin bones, robbing her womb
and computing death as an orange grime.

a Diomede colored wind hollers
while she trawls, hungry seagulls round her collar
circling her slaughter, she sits high above her mother

in geography she is beyond the arctic circle
where, freezing spray coats hull and stern,
whereas, a bouquet of scandies roses
find their final destination
at the end of the Bering Sea.